
In conversation with Anna Marshall, Sustainability Advisor at Orbit World Travel

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In an era where sustainability is more critical than ever, businesses are seeking effective strategies to reduce their environmental impact. At Orbit World Travel, sustainability isn't just a buzzword—it's a core commitment. In this insightful interview with Anna Marshall, Sustainability Advisor at Orbit World Travel, we delve into the innovative approaches we are taking to support sustainable travel practices.


Q1: Can you tell us about your role at Orbit World Travel and your involvement in promoting sustainable travel?


Anna Marshall: As the Sustainability Advisor at Orbit, my role is twofold. First, I manage Orbit’s carbon footprint, ensuring we align with the Toitū net carbon zero programme certification. Second, I work closely with our customers to support their sustainability initiatives. My background in the travel industry, combined with nearly five years in sustainability roles—including my previous position as Senior Corporate Account Manager at Toitū Envirocare—has given me a solid foundation to bridge these two areas effectively.


Q2: Why is sustainability important in the travel industry, particularly for corporate travel?


Anna Marshall: For our corporate clients, business travel, which falls under ‘Scope 3’ emissions, receives significant focus. Our role is to educate our customers on sustainable travel approaches and provide them with the services and technology to achieve their goals. It’s vital not only to reduce our own footprint but also to help our customers manage and minimise theirs.


Q3: What motivated Orbit World Travel to partner with Sustainable Travel International?


Anna Marshall: We're proud of our Australian-first partnership with Sustainable Travel International, offering environmentally-conscious travel solutions to businesses and travellers. This collaboration marks a significant stride toward sustainable travel. Through our Orbit Enterprise platform, we've introduced Orbit Offset—an innovative feature that allows businesses to effortlessly offset emissions from air travel, accommodations, and car rentals. The platform also empowers our customers to search for the best sustainable options, manage bookings seamlessly, and contribute to carbon offsetting - all in one place. The launch of Orbit Offset coincided with World Tourism Day and its theme of "Tourism & Green Investments," making it perfectly timed.


Q4: How does Orbit Offset help companies manage their environmental footprint?


Anna Marshall: Orbit Offset supports Sustainable Travel International’s curated portfolio of high-quality climate projects, including forestry, energy, and blue carbon initiatives that reduce or remove emissions globally. This partnership enables businesses to offset travel emissions for air, accommodation, and rental cars seamlessly through the Orbit Enterprise platform. Additionally, Orbit provides comprehensive carbon reporting for all customers, offering detailed insights into their travel-related emissions. These reports help organisations track their environmental impact and make informed decisions to achieve sustainability goals. Orbit Offset, combined with robust CO2 reporting, offers an effective and straightforward way for companies to manage and minimise their environmental footprint.


Q5: Can you explain the concept of emissions offsetting and its significance in sustainable travel?


Anna Marshall: For many organisations, the focus is on absolute reductions, but where that isn’t possible, emissions offsetting allows companies to compensate for their carbon footprint by investing in projects that reduce or remove carbon emissions. It’s a vital part of sustainable travel, given that some impact is inevitable. Offsetting provides a way to balance out this impact while contributing to broader environmental and social projects.


Q6: What challenges do corporate travel managers face in implementing sustainable practices, and how does Orbit address these?


Anna Marshall: One of the biggest challenges is understanding the company’s travel carbon footprint and identifying actionable steps to reduce it. We advise our clients to start by evaluating their emissions and then work with us to make changes to their travel policies. This might include opting for lower-emission flights, implementing carbon budgets, reviewing approval processes with a focus on carbon impact, choosing hybrid or electric vehicles, or selecting hotels with strong sustainability programmes. We offer workshops to help clients identify the best initiatives for their business.


Q7: How does Orbit's sustainability program support broader environmental and social goals beyond carbon reduction?


Anna Marshall: Our sustainability efforts go beyond carbon reduction. We also focus on the social pillars of sustainability, including traveller wellbeing, community support, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and addressing modern slavery in supply chains. It’s essential to consider these aspects alongside environmental impacts to create a truly holistic sustainability programme.


Q8: What role does technology play in enhancing sustainable travel management for corporate clients?


Anna Marshall: Technology is critical to managing a sustainable travel programme. From the booking process, where we provide options displaying the carbon emissions per flight, to our sustainability dashboard in the Orbit Enterprise platform, technology helps our clients track, manage, and reduce their environmental impact. Our tools also enable clients to integrate this data into their carbon reporting platforms, providing a comprehensive view of their sustainability efforts. Additionally, by leveraging technology and business insights into purchasing behaviours, our platform gives clients the ability to apply a travel policy that aligns with their sustainability goals. This helps drive better travel choices and fosters more sustainable behaviours across the organisation.


Q9: What sustainable practices has Orbit World Travel implemented to reduce its environmental impact?


Anna Marshall: At Orbit World Travel, we take our commitment to sustainability seriously, and we’ve implemented several key initiatives to minimise our environmental footprint. In New Zealand, we’ve achieved Toitū Net Carbon Zero certification, committing to reduce our carbon emissions by 2% within two years. Meanwhile, our Australian offices are setting their benchmarks to begin measuring next calendar year. Part of this commitment includes purchasing carbon credits to offset our emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.


We’ve also made strides in our daily operations. For instance, we’ve transitioned to hybrid company vehicles, reduced waste through recycling programs, and moved into shared office space where possible. Additionally, we’ve encouraged our employees to adopt sustainable commuting options—such as biking, carpooling, and public transport and we're proud participants in initiatives like Walk to Work Day and Earth Hour, which highlight the importance of reducing car usage and promoting climate action. These efforts collectively represent our holistic approach to sustainability, from the big picture down to everyday practices.


Ready to explore your sustainability strategy?

If you’re looking to take your business’s sustainability goals to the next level, there’s no better time to start than now. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or seeking to refine your existing strategy, Orbit World Travel is here to help. Reach out to Anna and our dedicated team to explore how we can support your sustainability initiatives through tailored travel solutions, expert advice, and innovative technology.

Let’s work together to make a positive impact on your organisation and the world.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.